The Providence Collective is a church planting and church revitalizing network led by three pastors whose churches are committed to planting churches that plant churches. Men wishing to plant should apply for our residency. Churches wishing to revitalize, multiply, or sponsor a church plant should apply. Churches looking to partner in the mission to plant in the Greater Los Angeles should contact us.
We Develop Planters
Are you someone who already feels called to plant and wants further development or someone who is considering the possibility of planting? Become a part of a TPC church plant residency.
If you are looking to become a multiplying church or want to broaden your church's mission pursuits connect with us
We Develop Churches
We Revitalize and Replant Churches
For more information about leading your church strategically through each stage of revitalization and health, learning from pastors who have led through similar contexts and challenges.
Do you want to become a multiplying leader? Interested in joining our collective as a pastor? Use the link below to sign up and we get back to you with details.
We Develop Pastors
We Develop Leaders
For more information about our process of developing leaders and disciples of Jesus Christ, or to get involved.
“our church has benefited immeasurably from the shared mission, intentional care, and life-giving relationships we have found in the Providence Collective."
—Jason Mayo (Pastor/Replanter Valle Vista, CA)

Feel free to contact us with any questions.